Saturday 1 June 2013

Blue Jay Birds Facts And New Photos 2013

Name : Blue Jay Bird
Scientific Name : Cyanocitta cristata
Lifespan : 10-15
Diet : fruits,seeds,Beech Nuts,and also eat grasshoppers,beetles,Caterpillars,and small vertebrates.

Habitat : Mixed woodlands with oaks and beeches,evergreen forest,groves and suburbs,across eastern North America,east of the Rockies.
jay Bird
jay Bird
jay Bird
jay Bird
jay Bird
jay Bird
jay Bird

Snowy Egret Facts And Beautiful New Pictures 2013

Name : Snowy Egret 
Weight : Up to 13 ounces
Lenght : 20-27 Inches
Wingspan : 41 Inches
Habital : Marshes,swamps,Ponds,Lakes,Shallow Coastal areas and tidal flats,occasionally found n dry fields.
Life Epectancy : In captivity,snowy egrets have lived over 16 years of age.

Food : Fishes,crayfis,snakes,young frogs and aquatic vegetation.

Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret